Kellen: One Month

Height/Weight: 10 lbs 12 oz, and around 22 inches (maybe taller? He’s obviously grown since birth…)

Sizes: 0-3 month clothes, and already too tall for some of the footie PJs. Size 1 diapers still – we’ll probably move up to 2s when we run out of 1s…

Eating: Kellen is eating well and obviously gaining weight. Sometimes nursing is still painful but we’re fixing the problems as they come and powering through it. I know it’ll be easy eventually!

Sleeping: Still very varied. Sometimes he’ll only sleep if I’m holding him, then the next night he’ll do a nice long stretch in his own bed. Babies are mysterious creatures and I’m not even worried about figuring it out or ‘training’ him… As long as I can function, and he’s getting enough sleep, I’m good.

New This Week:

Kellen finally had his first real bath. He didn’t cry but I’m not sure he actually enjoyed it either – he just seemed vaguely surprised by the whole experience, lol.

We took Kellen to Sabbath School the past two Saturdays – once to Cradle Roll with Rowen and once to Preschool with Damien. Of course, he was sleeping or eating the entire time, but it was fun to get him dressed up. 🙂

We did a bit of semi-local tourism (minus Dan) and met Kaeli at Apple Hill on a Thursday. It was beautiful weather and I would gladly trade the lack of crowds for the attractions that weren’t open during the week (it is a madhouse on weekends!) It was a little scary taking all three kids out without Dan but Kaeli made it easy – now, one of these days I’ll actually have to accomplish something solo and that will most likely be horrible… Haha.

Kellen also had his one month doctor’s appointment on Thursday, in which we learned he’s completely healthy and doing great! It was nice to have a drama-free appointment – let’s hope they’re all like that from now on.

He’s awake a lot more now and just stares at everything, especially when we’re outside on a walk. He’s even done some limited interactions with toys, grabbing them and checking them out for a bit before getting bored/overwhelmed (with two big brothers, there’s a whole lot of the latter!) Oh, and Kellen has started to make adorable baby noises (everyone loves his “gah”) and happy faces that aren’t QUITE smiles.

Kellen: Three Weeks

Sizes: NB in onesies and some outfits, 0-3 month footie pajamas, size 1 diapers (because we ran out of newborn ones. The size ones are a little big still but he doesn’t leak through them, so it’s a good trade-off.)

Eating: I’m still struggling with that same latch issue which makes breastfeeding really painful. During the day we usually manage a pretty good latch but at night, when I can’t see and the options are between Kellen crying because I’m taking too long and me crying because I’m in pain, I usually go with option two (because I cry quieter) and regret it later (or even immediately, but when you’re trying to keep two other kiddos asleep in the same room… It’s hard.)

But, at least Kellen is getting plenty to eat and seems happy and healthy. I’m glad we’re not having supply issues or allergy issues or any of the other myriad of problems we could be having. We’re going to keep trying together and we’ll figure it out! (And I might be meeting with a lactation consultant soon, if I can get into town.)

ETA: all of a sudden his latch got much better – like, seriously overnight. I don’t know why but I’m not going to question the miracle! 🙂

Sleeping: Three week olds don’t sleep. The end!
Correction: they do sleep, at entirely the wrong times… Like during the day, when a visiting family member is holding them, when normally at that time any other day they’re cranky and won’t let you accomplish a thing, so OF COURSE when you have help they’re blissfully snoozing away. 

Also, Kellen is still battling a cold (so are Dan and I) so when you lay him down he’s so stuffy/congested he can’t breathe. The humidifier helps a little bit. Propping his mattress up doesn’t help much. Letting him sleep on my chest works…for one of us. (So basically, I’ve had lots of three-hour nights of sleep, and in other news coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee.) 

New This Week: This was our second normal-ish week, with using the cabin, Dan working, and no one in the hospital (actually I did have to go to the ER for something stupid but that’s another post). I wouldn’t say we’ve settled into a routine, but we’re working on it.

I tried carrying Kellen in the Baby K’Tan, which I haven’t used since Damien was a baby. It’s a little tight (I shrunk it washing it back in 2012, which is why I stopped using it then) but according to the manual it’ll stretch with use. What I really love about it is once Kellen is in, I don’t have to readjust at all. My other go-to newborn carrier, the Maya Wrap, is awesome but does need adjusting pretty frequently, especially with such a tiny baby (I’m kinda paranoid.) Just being able to put him in and have us both be comfortable was amazing! It’s nice to have a couple carriers to use until he’s big enough for my beloved mei tai.

Oh, this week Rowen started really noticing Kellen and giving him’Kellen Kisses’ – now if I could convince the older boys not to kiss him when he’s trying to sleep… 

Kellen: Two Weeks

Weight: 9lbs 12 oz, so well above his birth weight. He’s getting chub rolls on his arms & legs & I love it 🙂
Sizes: NB short sleeve onesies/pants/most PJs; his LS onesies are too short in the arms. (Why do clothing sizes vary so widely?) He’s still in NB diapers and they fit fine, but we’ll be moving up to ones as soon as we run out.

Eating: nurses forever and always. Wakes me up 3x/night to eat, which wouldn’t be terrible if he wasn’t awake for an hour each time… 
Breastfeeding is getting challenging again because he still has a bad latch (which I’m 99.9% sure is due to his upper lip tie*) but the way the hospital LC showed me to get him latched isn’t working, either because he’s too big now, or too impatient (he gets angry and fights me and if it’s the middle of the night, when I need him to be quiet, I’ll just let him latch badly and be the one to cry instead, because at least I’ll cry quietly…and no, I’m not joking at all!) I had a few challenges nursing Damien and virtually none nursing Rowen, but I have to say – if this was my first time breastfeeding, I’d probably quit by now. Knowing how good, easy, and fulfilling a breastfeeding relationship can be keeps me going (the newborn stage can’t – and doesn’t – last forever!)

* Neither the hospital nurses nor the hospital LC were concerned about an upper lip tie. It’s possible the LC referred by Kellen’s doctor could help or would have a different opinion, but I haven’t managed to connect with her yet. Maybe next week…

Sleeping: Sleeps better swaddled but is always mad when he wakes up
Wants to sleep with me holding him all the time – especially when he has a stuffy nose at night (we have yet another cold going around our family…ugh)

Still sleeps more soundly during the day than at night, but he’s getting (slightly) better.

New This Week: we moved when he was nine days old. Our new place is really tiny (it’s a studio apartment/cabin but actually has a big kitchen and bathroom so the living space is the challenge.) The tricky thing is unpacking without making the place unlivable; the good thing is how easy it is to keep track of everyone in a small space. I actually really like the family all together – especially because I know we won’t be living like this forever! 😉 

In specifically Kellen news, he’s awake more and more and shows a little bit of interest in people… before going back to sleep. He’s definitely getting more comfortable with Dan, which is great both for Dan and me, so I can get a break once in awhile.

Damien is still very interested in him, always wanting to give him hugs, tickles, and ‘Kellen Kisses’ (which, while adorable, aren’t best received while the poor baby is trying to sleep.) He talks about all the things Kellen hasn’t seen (giraffes! Helicopters! Other family members!) and how he can’t wait to show him, which I love because I feel the same way.
Rowen is more laid back in his interactions with the baby, but is always positive and gentle – he talks to Kellen in ‘baby talk’ (which, coming out of the mouth of a two-year-old, is already super cute) and strokes his head when he cries. 

Kellen’s Birth Story

​I went into my OB office for my 38 week appointment on Thursday morning at 9am. My doctor talked about having a plan in place for when Kellen decided to arrive, because we knew he’d come fast – with Damien, I labored for three hours after my water broke, and with Rowen it was less than two hours. We arranged for an induction Monday morning (when I’d be 39 weeks 2 days,) discovered I was 4cm dilated (“you’re two good contractions away from going into labor on your own!”), and she stripped my membranes. The rest of the day I felt uncomfortable and even felt one or two of my always-present Braxton-Hicks contractions. In my way home I stopped to pick up a few last-minute baby necessities – I guess that now that there was an official date in place I should be ready. Never having gone into labor on my own, I assumed we’d be doing the induction Monday despite what my doctor said.

At 38 weeks, you no longer have toes… Also note the ginormous belly in the mirror

My husband got home early from work and I had him help me do all the things we’ve been putting off to get ready for baby, like moving some furniture, setting up the cosleeper, and putting our hospital bags in the car. We ate dinner and got the kids ready for bed like normal – Dan got Damien to sleep, but as I was laying down with Rowen I noticed I was having painful, semi-regular contractions. I pulled up a counter app on my phone and found they were 2-6 minutes apart and 40 seconds each. I wasn’t sure I actually was in labor but I had Kassi call my mom to come home just in case. I called the hospital and they said to come in, so my mom cuddled up with a still-awake Rowen while Dan and I headed to the hospital, which is thankfully only nine minutes away. (Sad/cute story: while I was saying goodbye to Rowen, he could tell I was in pain and kept trying to give me the various medicines – cough drops, Tums – from the bedside table, so I would feel better. It definitely made me cry.)

On the drive over my contractions got more painful and every bump the car went over was awful. (Random: “Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing” was playing the radio, which is sweet and all but at that point I very much did want to close my eyes and fall asleep.) We got to the parking lot and found the night  entrance, since it was now after ten. An orderly put me in a wheelchair and whisked me to the Labor & Delivery wing. After checking in I had to be assessed in a room, where my contractions got worse and worse. I was now five cm dilated and allowed to stay. I kept telling everyone I would go really fast, and that I was ready for the epidural five minutes ago!

Once Dan and I were in a delivery room the next trial began – starting an IV. I had to get fluid before my epidural, plus I needed penicillin for being group B strep positive, so the IV was important – the problem was, the veins in my hands kept slipping away. It took four jabs in each hand by two nurses plus the nurse anesthetist (in the midst of contractions I was moaning/screaming through) before they gave up and put the IV in my inner elbow vein, aka my one good vein. Then I could finally get my epidural, which was super hard to sit still for in between contractions but oh so beautiful when it started to work.

Delivery room selfie – Dan was sick so he had to wear a mask

Now that I could breathe again, I met the doctor who would be delivering Kellen and really liked her. She advised that I get some rest (and get at least one dose of penicillin) before I had to push. I was able to rest for about an hour, but then I noticed the epidural was pooling in my left leg (which was completely numb) and I could now feel contractions in my right hip and running down my thighs (why?? The nurse theorized it was ligament pain.) I also felt a ton of pressure from my intact bag of water every time I had a contraction. A nurse checked me and I was 9cm dilated. A few minutes later, I was screaming from pain again, I needed to push, and my epidural was still only numbing my darn leg. I did NOT want to give birth and feel it – I’ve done that before and once was enough! – but I had no choice.

Happier times, with a working epidural…

The birth team assembled quickly – to their immense credit, they totally believed me when I said I’d go fast – and the doctor broke my water, which proceeded to burst like a water balloon all over everything and everyone (and would have probably been funny if I hadn’t been, you know, in mostly-unmedicated labor.) Right away I needed to push, but the doctor tried to slow me down to keep me from tearing (which didn’t work, but at that point I didn’t care at all – I wanted him OUT.) The first push brought his head down, the second push got his head out, and the third push brought out his shoulders – Kellen was out at 1:35am! 

They put a very vernix-covered Kellen straight on me for skin to skin, and he cried right away, demonstrating an impressive set of lungs. I was still feeling contractions and couldn’t focus until the placenta was out. Then I felt okay again…until my doctor started stitching my tear, without the epidural’s benefit. Luckily Kellen was a great distraction – we discovered his umbilical cord was twisted around his ankle somehow, which was weird but interesting, and Dan cut his cord.

Cord around the ankle

After I was finally done with stitches, I was able to breastfeed Kellen for over an hour while the nurse gave him all necessary meds. Then she weighed, measured, and bathed him – we learned he was 9 lbs 0.3 oz and 21.5″, securing his record as Biggest Baby Brother. 🙂 We also noticed Kellen has lots of dark brown hair, looks like Dan as a baby but also like his brothers, and has this same teeny birth defect as me – a dimple/hole in the top of each ear. (For some reason I love this! It’s purely cosmetic and just unique.)

Nursing baby

Dada snuggles

Mama snuggles (once we were in our regular room)

Looking so tiny!

Lots of other stuff happened in the next few days (which will be another post), but the most exciting thing was definitely introducing Kellen to his big brothers.

They were both SO EXCITED and for Damien in particular, we were surprised at how long he stayed mesmerized just by holding and staring at Kellen. It just about made my heart explode.

And now we’re a happy, crazy, COMPLETE family of five. 🙂

Kellen: One Week

Height & Weight: Not sure on height but it probably hasn’t changed. As of Thursday, he went over his birth weight, weighing in at 9 lbs 3 oz! Good job baby. 🙂 His weight is 85th percentile and his height is above 95th. (At birth he was 90th per. weight/off the charts height.)

Sizes: Newborn diapers fit great. Most of Kellen’s newborn clothes either fit or are too big, with a few exceptions of footie PJs that are already too short. (He is my tallest baby!)

Eating: Kellen and I struggled more with breastfeeding than any of my other kiddos, which is kind of ridiculous as you’d think with four years’ experience I’d be an expert. (Repeat after me: every baby is different!) He started out with a shallow latch in the hospital, resulting in damage (aka open wounds…ew) that made it difficult to nurse later. Then his blood sugar was low but he wouldn’t latch, so I had to express colostrum into a spoon and feed him for a day (after that he thankfully started latching again.) Finally when my milk came in he was too sleepy from jaundice to adequately deal with it, leaving me engorged (and in All the Pain Ever, plus the pain from before mentioned damage), making it hard for him to latch… It was a bad cycle. 

Thankfully when we had to go back to the hospital (more on that later) we met with a lactation consultant who helped a TON, plus Kellen woke up enough to eat. Thus, he is now above his birth weight, and our breastfeeding relationship continues on. Phew! 🙂

Sleeping: So far Kellen is my sleepiest night sleeper – I actually have to wake him up to eat. (Thankfully he’s pretty easy to get up.) So far, he likes sleeping swaddled, and he makes the loudest noises as he sleeps! The check-in person at the lab thought my cell phone was vibrating, but it was really Kellen sleeping in his baby carrier. 🙂 He still has his days and nights mixed up, so I’m not sleeping all THAT much, but I’m dreaming of more in the future..

New This Week:

  • Regained birth weight at six days old
  • Receives many hugs, kisses, and cuddles from both his big brothers. They may be struggling with the transition (Rowen especially) but are still so in love with Baby Kellen.

Kellen came home from the hospital Sunday afternoon after staying an extra day due to his not getting full GBS+ treatment. His bilirubin levels were a little elevated but no one was concerned. By his first doctor’s appointment on Tuesday I noticed his eyes looked yellow, and his doctor ordered more bloodwork. (His doctor is awesome by the way – she’s a family practice doctor new to the area, she’s young and has a toddler at home, and she’s very positive and accessible – she’s called me on her cell more than once.) 

Kellen and I came back from the lab, and settled in for an evening of just the boys and me – Dan and both my parents were working,vwith Dan and my mom working out of town. Of course, this is when we got the phone call from the doctor – Kellen’s bilirubin levels were very high and he needed to be readmitted to the hospital. I commenced a minor freakout (how do I take care of all three kids??) then got us all ready to go while trying to get ahold of someone. I finally got my dad on the phone and thankfully he could come home, so I said goodbye to the big boys and headed back to the hospital. (And after all that, both my mom and Dan were able to meet me there!)

I wasn’t familiar with the bili light treatment – I knew it looked like a mini tanning booth but had no idea Kellen would be inside the entire 24 hours we were there, except when eating. When the nurse explained that to me I cried! I couldn’t believe I couldn’t hold him for so long (and it made me feel bad because I know parents in the NICU deal with that every day for months on end.) I was also really, really lucky that the hospital let me stay with Kellen the whole time – we even had the same room as before – and Kellen did all his treatment in our room. They even fed me, and I got to see several of my favorite nurses from our very recent stay. 

Even though a lot of things about the experience were tough (like leaving my big kids, AGAIN) it actually went smoothly and most importantly worked – Kellen’s bilirubin levels went from 18 at check-in to 14 at checkout, and were 13 the next day. He’s still a bit jaundiced, which will take another week to clear out completely, but he’s doing great!

So now that we’ve got Kellen home and healthy, we get to embark on another adventure – moving! Dan is currently working 45 minutes away and has the opportunity to live where he works, and for a very affordable price. The one catch? It’s a literal one-room cabin in the woods. As we’re currently staying in my parents’ guest room (with all our stuff filling their storage unit and garage) this will actually give us more room, but will still be a really big challenge. I’m trying to think of it as an adventure (and reading up on tiny house living!) We won’t be there forever (months, not years) but it will certainly be an experience in the meantime. (Also: moving with a nine-day-old baby. Plus a two-year-old and four-year-old. Yes, we are probably certifiably insane. Stay tuned!)

Kellen Reid

Introducing the fifth, final, and current-most-tiny-adorable member of our family, Kellen Reid!

He decided to enter the world one week and one day before his due date, on September 9, at 1:35am. He weighed 9 lbs 0.3 oz and measured 21.5″.

We are all in love!

(Yes, ‘in love’ means poking/climbing/tickling to a few of us… There’s definitely going to be an adjustment period! I’ll be posting the birth story and more pictures in a bit.)

Summer ’16 Recap

It’s September and even though the weather is still hot (but not QUITE so unbearable) our summer is pretty much over. I didn’t write about most of it but I did take pictures, so here’s what we did during the summer of 2016, in photos:

I already wrote about the ocean-themed tot school we did at the beginning of the summer. (Since then we’ve done a bit if bug-themed school, but it’s been more difficult because so much of our stuff is in storage and I am SO PREGNANT.)

We also stayed at a beach house with Dan’s mom, which was lots of fun (and I wrote about it here.)

Here are some leftover pictures from our old apartment:

(mouse over to see captions; click to make it bigger)

We celebrated the fourth of July in the most American of places, American Canyon (which also happened to have lots of food trucks/free fireworks/activities for kids, and be close to our house, which is why we went there. Turns out it was right next to one of the middle schools I subbed at all the time, so that was kind of weird… I didn’t see any former students though.)

After trying to keep the kids entertained during that horrible space between when the activities closed and the fireworks started (there was live music, but they of course didn’t care), Damien watched about three minutes of fireworks and wanted to leave. (We didn’t let him. Rowen was entertained at least.)

And then, of course, we moved…

While we’ve been staying with my parents, we’ve done a lot of playing in the backyard:

Sometimes it was too hot to play outside and we had to stay inside, or go to the library.

We also went beach camping! We went back to Doran Beach and the boys had a great time. (I, however, got the worst sunburn in memory and literally couldn’t walk for a few days.. but it’s all worth it for the memories, right?)

My parents and all three dogs came with us (you can see Ripley and Molly in the above pics, but for some reason I missed Jethro – he was probably always moving!) Damien learned how to climb trees and was super excited about jumping waves; even though it was chilly, he ended up wet every day. We saw lots of birds, pelicans, and sea lions, and Damien was very excited to hold sea stars!

Dan and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary (and our eleventh year together). We spent the day in town going out to dinner, going to a used bookstore (and yes, coming home with books) and exploring a really pretty outdoor outlet mall.


I noticed later we’re in front of a phone booth, which is pretty much an endangered species…

For Rowen’s second birthday, we took him to a nearby zoo in Folsom:

We also met Marcia at the Sacramento Zoo


And that brings us up to now! The next two (very big) things on our plate are: have a baby, and move into our Cabin in the Woods (hopefully not the horror movie; maybe more Little House in the Big Woods, except we won’t use a pig bladder for a child’s toy ball… That part has always stuck with me for some reason, lol!) Because of their timing being so close together, I don’t know which will happen first, but I’m sure I will post about them…eventually.

Baby3: Third Trimester

As of today, I’m 38 weeks pregnant, and I’m afraid if I don’t get this published I never will! I’m guessing baby will be here one way or another within the next week or so, so I’m pretty much done with this trimester anyway. (But don’t forget the fourth trimester, which is very real and awaiting me on the other side…)

38 weeks, with a snuggly big brother and barely visible feet…

How I’m Feeling:

  • Early 3rd tri: My energy gets depleted very fast. My Stomach is starting to stretch, which leads to itchy skin. Baby likes to squish up into my lungs, which leaves me dizzy and breathless – thanks kid!
  • Late 3rd tri: EVERYTHING HURTS AND I’M DYING. Sleeping is an athletic event, if I sit or lay down too long I’m practically paralyzed when I try to stand up, and I can’t walk more than 25 feet without a (Braxton-Hicks, but still super uncomfortable and sometimes painful) contraction. (I’m also a total whiner, haha!)

Image result for everything hurts and i'm dying third trimester

  • Emotionally I was REALLY struggling for a month or so, right after we moved and I simultaneously ran out of the antidepressants I was put on in the first trimester. Thankfully my new doctor recognized my need for more meds and I’m feeling much better – stressed still of course, but it’s not all-encompassing.
  • I got diagnosed with late onset gestational diabetes at 36 weeks, which means I can’t eat anything fun…but to be honest, nothing sounds good anyway at this point. I’m testing my blood sugar four times a day and I’m not on medication, so that’s good. It is a little frustrating to follow the ‘GD diet’ (which I’m familiar with from being pregnant with Damien) and still have my numbers be all over the place, but with only a few weeks to figure out what foods my body can handle, I guess that’s to be expected. At this point, the food I miss the most is cereal, which my body doesn’t like at any time of day.
  • I developed a cold at around 37 weeks pregnant, and I can’t shake it. It started with a sore throat and has evolved into a cough/runny nose, aaand of course I can’t take anything for it. Oh, and at 36 weeks I picked up a stomach bug from Rowen which thankfully only lasted 48 hours. I truly have no immune system right now – yet another pregnancy joy.

Craving: nothing really. It’s a struggle to find something that sounds good to eat that I’m actually allowed to eat. I’ve been eating a lot of peanut butter toast and Nature Valley protein bars – oh, and iced lattes. 🙂 (Oh, I forgot! At the beginning of 3rd tri I craved Java Chip Frappuccinos from Starbucks, which is kind of hilarious because I don’t even really like Frappuccinos. I think I drank more that month or two than the rest of my life combined, then the craving went away.)

28 weeks, just starting 3rd Tri – back when I still had a belly button 🙂

Important Dates:

  • July 7-11/30 weeks pregnant: we moved out of our Bay Area apartment, put most of our stuff in storage, and crashed in my parents’ guest room for the rest of the summer. It was super hard and stressful, but also necessary, since my job ended in May and Dan was supposed to start working soon in my parents’town. (Of course, what actually ended up happening is Dan is STILL waiting to get more than contract work from the business which was going to supposedly hire him full-time, so he got another job at a summer camp/retreat center in the meantime.)

Cleaning the old apartment… It was definitely the opposite of fun to move at 30 weeks pregnant.

  • Went beach camping at 32 weeks pregnant – it was fun and the boys had a blast, but I got a terrible sunburn on my legs that completely incapacitated me for a week. For whatever reason, you sunburn easier while PG, and I sunburn in the shade anyway (literally, I was sitting in a shelter when it happened.) Oh, and the very next week I fell down the stairs in my parents’town house, bruising up my legs and twisting my ankle (but I fell on my butt so baby was fine.)

In the right: washcloths on my sunburn, with one shot of the lovely white/red contrast (which is now a tan/white contrast, lol.) On the left: ice on my bruises/twisted ankle – my left leg got it a lot worse than my right leg, because it was trapped behind me as I fell.

  • Aug. 14: my sweet sister Kaeli (with the help of my other sweet sister Kassi) threw me a baby shower! It was adorable and totally unexpected, but oh so appreciated. (Once I get photos from someone I’ll share, because the decorations were SO CUTE.)
  • Aug. 19/36 weeks: I had my first doctor’s appointment with my new OB. She’s very nice and I like their office a lot (which is good, because it’s the only one in the area accepting new patients…) I also really like the hospital I’ll be delivering in (you know, assuming I make it in time…) It has private rooms and a birth center vibe (the bathrooms even have whirlpool tubs!) and they promote skin to skin/are very supportive of breastfeeding. Since it’s the only hospital in the area I’m glad it’s a good one!
  • 37 weeks: because my uterus was measuring big (which it always does at the end), I had an ultrasound to try to determine Baby’s size, which turned out to be normal (6 lbs 12 oz, although an ultrasound this late isn’t super accurate.) I’m fully expecting an 8-9lb baby so this was what I expected.

This picture is amazing because not only did Damien take a nap, but he wanted to snuggle on my lap – two things that are totally out of the ordinary! Oh, my heart ❤

Kiddo Reactions:

Both kids find my giant belly, and especially my nonexistent belly button, very amusing. Damien loves to hug and kiss my bump and always says goodnight to Baby Kellen. (If you ask who is in my tummy, Rowen will respond “Baby Kallan!”, which is way too cute and reminds me of how Damien called him “Bebe Wowan”.) I think they’re as prepared for their new brother as they can get, which is good, because he’s coming any day now!

My guess is that things are going to be a LOT easier with Damien than they were last time, because he is interested in the baby and wants to be helpful, and that this time Rowen will be playing the part of Damien in “oh my gosh this new baby has usurped my role as baby AND I CAN’T DEAL.” (Hopefully Rowen, like Damien, will take this out on his parents and not on the baby, which was emotionally difficult but really ideal because I didn’t have to worry about Rowen’s safety.) Of course, once again we’re moving right around the time we add a new baby so who knows – everything could go haywire, but that’s just our life I guess!

Rowen – 24 months/2 years!


Height/Weight: 37″ (or 3’1″), 32 lbs

Sizes: 24 months or 2T in clothes; size 5 in diapers; size 8/toddler in shoes


Taking selfies with us at Sea Ranch

Eating: Rowen is not a picky eater and will try anything we put on his plate. Like a typical toddler, he loves yogurt, cheese, apple juice, gummies, and pasta. He’s always trying to steal my coffee/tea. His favorite Starbucks order is a chocolate cake pop.


Eating ‘ocean pudding’…it was vanilla dyed blue/green 🙂

Rowen nursed until the end of May, when I was about five months pregnant and he was 22 months old, then pretty much weaned himself. He occasionally says he’s going to have nanas with the new baby but we’ll see what happens.


Sleepin’ with SaraTop

Sleeping: Rowen naps for about two hours a day, and wants someone to lay down with him until he falls asleep. He also sleeps with his stuffed orange triceratops, SaraTop, and a paci. At night he sleeps in our bed (but we don’t actually have another bed for him at the moment.) He likes to pet you or stick his hand in your shirt sleeve/strap or armpit as he falls asleep.


Sticking his hand in my sleeve…probably to make sure I can’t get away!

Rowen is a pretty good night sleeper (at least compared to his big brother at this age…) but does wake up 1-3 times a night. He frequently gets bloody noses in the middle of the night, so that sure doesn’t help with sleep.


Cuddling with Dada – this is our normal sleep arrangement now


  • Animal: when I asked him, he said ‘elephant’. He loves all pets, especially my parents’ cat; he’s pretty good with them all (Ripley is SO patient) but he does like to give hugs and says “I love you” to all the pets, which is adorable but they don’t always appreciate.
  • TV: Little Einsteins, Dinosaur Train; he also watches YouTube kid music videos/surprise egg videos incessantly.
  • Songs: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Hickory Dickory Dock, alphabet song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Five Little Monkeys (he’ll also sing it with whatever is handy – shells, rocks, toys, feet, shoes), Little Einsteins theme song… He also sings songs I’ve only heard in those silly YouTube videos, like the Finger Family song and Johnny, Johnny. Rowen loves music and is singing much of the time (like when he’s supposed to be sleeping!)
  • Toys: cars, Little People, wooden blocks (he’ll build something and say, “I’m making Egypt!”), Duplo blocks, his stuffed triceratops (“SaraTop”), puzzles (and he’s really good at them!)
  • He loves playing on the playground or at the library.

Brother kisses!


Rowen plays pretend with Damien (when they manage to share). Some pretend games include Magic wands (“abwa cadabwa!”), putting stuff on his head (“I’m a princess!”), and pretending they’r e blasting off in a rocket (counting down from 10).

He speaks in multiword sentences and has the vocabulary of someone twice his age (and so does his big brother, so I guess it’s normal to us.)


Building a super tall tower! This last block was the one that knocked it down, lol

He loves family, especially Mama, Mimi, and aunties (although Uncle Jay put him down for a nap at his house & he talked about it for a week!) He goes back and forth between calling Damien ‘Buba’ or his name, and he’s starting to refer to the new baby by name, which is super cute. Both Damien and Rowen still call us Mama and Dada.


Playing with the light table in our new library

Lately he’s starting to tell people “I love you” unprompted. Rowen is super polite, saying “please” and “thank you” and “I’m sorry”; he also asks “are you okay?” if you sound like you’re hurt. One time he saw me crying and brought me a pinecone, “so you can feel better, Mama!”


Reading books with Dada under Damien’s bed

In the Terrible Twos department, Rowen is also starting to throw tantrums, usually when he’s tired or hungry. He and Damien can fight about ANYTHING, which I suppose is typical sibling behavior, but I didn’t expect it this early!


Popsicle time – a summertime staple

Rowen Quotes: 

5/6: do you love Dada? “Yeah! Dada is sweet!” Do you love Mama? “Yeah! Mama is cute!”

5/9: (at bedtime) Are you cuddling my arm? “Yeah. Night night arm! See you yater, arm!”

5/15: (in car) “Hand Mama, hand!” (He wanted to hold hands)


“Umm, help? I’m stuck!” 

5/16: (after reading a big brother book) Me: “We’ll have a big brother, a middle brother, and a baby brother.”

Rowen, pointing to Dan: “And a giant brother!”

5/25: “Mama! Hurt my foot! Hurt my sockies!”


“Yeehaw! I’m a cowboy!”


6/2: (at bedtime) “Waahh! I wanna drinka wawa! WAAAH!” Daddy’s getting you water, Rowen; chill. “Ok I’ll chill.”

6/3: Damien: “Stop doing stupid stuff, Rowen.” Rowen: “NO YOU STUPID STUFF.” Dan: “Good one, son.”

6/7: “what’s that, Mama?” It’s my armpit. “It’s cute!” *Kisses it*


Another favorite summertime activity – watering plants (and toys, and feet…)

6/11: “I go this way path, and mama go that way path.” (There was a line of grass growing in the middle of the path, and I guess we were supposed to walk on either side…)

“I’m hiding these rockses!”


We missed the sandbox! It’s been so long since we had it set up it feels like a new toy.

6/13: Rowen, what are you doing? (He’s standing on a box and wiggling) “I’m doing the rocket dance, Mama!” (Proceeds to dance wildly and almost fall off)

Says all the time, “I know what to do!”

Puts random stuff on his person (like capes/bracelets) and yells “SUPAPOWAS”


Selfie time!

6/21: Rowen: “Mama, my magic is stuck!” Damien: “Rowen, did Ripley sneak up on your magic wand?” Rowen: “Yeah, I sink!”

” ‘Zackly!”

“Kiss my eye! Kiss my nana eye!” (Nana = other)

“This is Neptuneses, and these are moonses!”


Going down the smallest slide at Fairytale Town in Sacramento

6/25: “My Crocses are too heavy!”

6/28: Randomly will say “clap for Mama! Clap for Rowen!” (Repeat with all family members…and actually clap, of course.)

He always wants to shut the door to his room while playing “so the crocodile can’t come in!”


Apparently he was a bug-riding cowboy! (at the Fairfield Mall)

7/1: (on changing table with wipe) “Clean my face! Clean the lamp! Clean the bump head!” (The ‘bump head’ is the shelf above the changing table, haha)

7/2: Dan: “Are you cute?” Rowen: “No I’m not! I’m not cute anymore!”

“You have pretty hair, Mama.”


Riding the horses pulling Cinderella’s carriage in Fairytale Town, Sac

7/5: “Is this a violin? No, it’s an armpit!”

7/10: Rowen: “I’m scared of the dark!” Dan: “You’re scared of the dark?” Rowen: “No, Dada, don’t say the words!”

Don’t be grumpy, kitty cat!

IMG_20160628_191013248 Driving cars while riding a scooter…? I don’t know, lol

7/13: Are you a baby? “No, I’m a children!”

Where is the new baby? “Not in my butt!”


He was trying to fit in this little box… He didn’t fit at all, lol

7/15: (after eating waffles…) “It’s a sticky arm! Sticky arms are marvelous!”

Should I turn down the fan? Are you cold? “No, I’m not cold, I’m cute!”

(A toy breaks) Rowen: “We can fix it together!” Damien: “NO WE CAN’T.”


Making the dinosaurs kiss

7/17: Rowen: (hugging Ripley) “I loooove Ripley!” Damien: “I love Ripley more!”

“I’m a super duper duper children!”

7/24: “Don’t take a picture ’bout me, Mama. It’s disgusting.”

7/25: (pointing to the stretch marks on my eight-months-pregnant belly) “Mama, you’re covered in paint!”


Playing peek-a-boo in the pop-up tent 🙂

Tot School/Preschool: Ocean Theme

We decided to restart tot school (which now includes actual preschool activities, since Damien is older) for the summer! Damien has been asking why he isn’t in preschool anymore, and since I have this summer off I had some free time and do much better when we have planned activities (versus accidentally letting them watch a ton of TV), planning some themed activities seemed like a good answer.

Damien and I brainstormed some monthly themes for the summer and came up with: Ocean, Bugs, and Space (loosely corresponding to June, July, and August – by September hopefully Damien will be in a real preschool for at least a couple days a week, and we’ll have a new baby so my creativity levels will be zero anyway.) He wanted to do Ocean first, which makes sense because we’re going on a weekend to the coast with Dan’s mom in June.

I know this is totally unnecessary but because I am a planner (and also a teacher without a classroom – well, I have a bunch of classrooms but none that require me to actually lesson plan) I broke each unit down into mini units. For Ocean, we have:

  • Tidepools and Ocean Zones
  • Fish
  • Ocean Creatures (with an emphasis on octopi and jellies, because my kids are interested in them/there are lots of cute crafts involving them)
  • Whales and Sharks

For the entire unit, we had a few themed boxes that I made from things we had around the house:

Ocean Book Box (and these are all board books, since I’m leaving them in easy reach for our little book ripper)


Ocean Toy Box:


a Melissa and Doug peg puzzle, an ocean-themed jigsaw puzzle (we lost the box so I forgot the brand), a wooden octopus toy, a toy shark, a Lou Seal plushie (what can I say; we’re Giants fans) :), and a cuddly sea horse (it was Damien’s when he was a baby)

Ocean Sensory Bin:


Please disregard my constantly-messy table 😉

blue and white marbles (from the dollar store, otherwise I would have gone for sea glass), shells, miscellaneous fish toys (from the Coral Reef Toob and various Octonauts sets), and the octopi from a Barrel of Octopi (like a Barrel of Monkeys, but with octopi.)

Books (mostly from the library, which is why I kept them separate from our books – I didn’t want them to get wrecked!) This section got REALLY LONG and became its own post – find it here!

Table Work: (this was mostly for Damien, but Rowen was able to join in when he could)

(click the photos to make them bigger)

  • I loved this Ocean Preschool Pack from Home School Creations (both Damien and Rowen were able to do activities in this one)
  • This shadow match from Busy Little Bugs was also something both kiddos could do
  • These ocean-themed clip cards from A Little Pinch of Perfect were great for Damien
  • We also incorporated some coloring pages and preschool workbooks we already had (we really like the BrainQuest PreK Workbook)

Here’s how each mini unit went:

Tidepools and Ocean Zones

(I talk about this mini unit in more detail in this post)

Songs & Rhymes:

  • Songs: We used the ocean page of KidSparkz pretty much exclusively this week. We sang “I Went Swimming in the Ocean” and changed the words to “Sticky, Sticky Little Starfish” to “Sticky Little Friend Sea Star”, which not only rhythmically works better but is scientifically correct to this Biology teacher’s daughter. 😉
  • Rhymes: We acted out “Five Little Seashells” and “Holding Up a Seashell” with real seashells. I made crab puppets to act out “Five Cranky Crabs” (because rhymes are way more fun when you can act them out, according to my kids.)


  • Crab hats – we bought a kit from Michael’s, but you could easily make it yourself too
  • Crab cups – I saw a picture on Pinterest but can’t find a post to go with it, but it’s really easy. First paint cups, then add pipe cleaner limbs and eye stalks, and finish off with googly eyes. My kids couldn’t figure out how to poke the pipe cleaners through the styrofoam cup, but other than that, this was a success.
  • Under the Sea Paper Plate – it’s always nice to make a craft with supplies you already have on hand, and this one definitely fit the bill. Damien was SUPER into it, but Rowen was mad that he couldn’t eat all the goldfish crackers and literally cried every time I glued one to his plate – thus he only had three fish, lol.
  • Paper Plate Sea Horses – so cute!


(click the photos to make them bigger)

  • We played with our tide pool as a sensory activity after we made it (see Science for how to make it). I threw in the failed sensory sand and let that lend an extra layer of authenticity to our tide pool! (It did leave white residue all over the back porch, thanks to the baking soda, but at least it’s clean!)
  • Play Doh mats – I saw this idea on the internet but you had to purchase the printable, so I made my own using Googled clip art/the magic of Paint. I made a double sided pirate mat for Damien (one side was adding an eyepatch to a pirate, one side was putting gold in a treasure chest) and a double sided ocean mat for Rowen (adding bubbles to some fish and a spout to a whale.)

Science: (we alternated sensory activities with science activities)

(click the photos to make them bigger)

  • Tide Pool Experiment – my kids were really into this one. Like the link, we got a disposable baking pan to use for our tidepool. Damien loved building the rocky part of the tidepool, and it was great how adding water gradually showed him the difference for the animals during low tide or high tide. Rowen mostly wanted to dismantle the tidepool, which both boys had a lot of fun doing in the subsequent days (the entire thing ended up in their water table, so I guess the pan was kind of pointless…oops.)
  • Ocean Zones in a Jar – this was such a cool project and yet stressful because of my kids’ ages, lol. They were FASCINATED but wanted to be a little TOO helpful. I enlisted my husband’s help and we still couldn’t get the top layer (rubbing alcohol) to sit on top of the oil, but even with the alcohol under the oil it made a separate layer (albeit a less defined one) so we had all the ocean zone layers regardless. This would definitely be a fun project to do if your kids are a bit older and can help more!


  • Sand dollar cookies – the idea is from here, but I will fully admit I cheated and bought pre-made sugar cookie dough. They turned out soooo cute though!
  • Sandy shells – aka shell pasta with Parmesan ‘sand’; idea from here. When I went to make this I discovered I was out of shell pasta (OF COURSE) but I did have a box of Annie’s Macaroni – the white kind with shells – so I made that instead and of course the kids liked it.
  • Fruit smoothies – it’s tropical, right? 🙂 We just threw frozen fruit in the blender with vanilla yogurt and milk.
  • Twinkie Submarines – these turned out really cute. I bought banana Twinkies (who knew there was such a thing?) and even I enjoyed snacking on them (which is good, because there are a lot of Twinkies in a box! I’ve literally never bought Twinkies before.)
  • Cheese and Apple Pirate Ships – the healthiest and simplest snack, which both my kids happened to LOVE (we went through three apples and the majority of a block of cheese… in one day.)


(I talk about this mini unit in more detail in this post)

Songs & Rhymes:

Table Work: see last week


  • Handprint goldfish – idea at the bottom of this post. Simple and cute, but I wish my orange paint would have been brighter…
  • Angelfish popsicle sticks – I taped the popsicle sticks to the table to make for easy painting. Both boys enjoyed this.
  • Fork pufferfish – We made our pufferfish on paper plates and just used some of the crimped edge for fins – it worked great! Our fork prints aren’t as distinct as the sample, but the kids had fun using an unusual painting tool, and that’s what matters.
  • Cupcake wrapper fish – the top picture in this post. This turned out surprisingly cute, and we happened to have colorful cupcake wrappers on hand already.


  • Ocean themed play dough – I didn’t love the texture of this dough (we did find we could periodically add more conditioner to the dough to make it last longer), but it was fun to try something other than the stereotypical stovetop play dough, and it smelled amazing.
  • Ocean sensory bag – This one was really fun, and yes, it smelled great too. 🙂 Both Dan and I ended up absentmindedly playing around with it, lol.


  • Play Dough Island – I showed Damien pictures of this the day before and he was REALLY excited about it. Both he and Rowen enjoyed painting the plate, looking for nature items, and building the island, so I would say this project was a big success!
  • Life cycle of a fish – We watched this video, then Damien and I used this coloring printable to make our own life cycles. (Rowen was not at all into it, but Damien LOVED it – he even wanted to make a second one of his own!)
  • How do fish breathe? Video & experiment – Damien and I did this while Rowen was napping, and it turned out to be his favorite part of the whole week. In this experiment, we mixed coffee grounds into water, with coffee grounds representing oxygen. Damien could see how the “gills” (coffee filter) caught the “oxygen” (coffee) and let the water flow through. He seriously wanted to watch water go through the coffee filter for an hour!


  • Snack fishing – idea from here. This was an easy snack that the kids both liked, and Damien even did it right. 🙂
  • Little fishy cupcakes – eh, kind of cute, but we didn’t have nearly enough M&Ms to make it look really good. (I have to say, they tasted great though!)
  • Goldfish letters – sneaking some learning into snack time 😉
  • Jello aquariums – our fail of the week – I didn’t even bother to take a picture. Turns out my kids neither like gummy fish nor the berry flavor of Jello I purchased, so I ended up emptying most of these into the trash can. (I intentionally bought a light blue flavor so we could see through it, but it wasn’t nearly as yummy as the darker blue Jello. Oops.)
  • Under the Sea graham crackers – These were simple to make and turned out really cute! I think the original pinner made these for a mermaid party, and I would totally make these for a party (although I kept mine pretty simple because I was making them for unappreciative small children, lol.)

Ocean Creatures:

(I talk about this mini unit in more detail in this post)

Songs & Rhymes:

  • Songs: From Everything Preschool, we sang “Mr. Octopus and Mrs. Crab” and “Fishy Pokey” (with whatever ocean animal you want to use substituted for Fish – we did Octopus and Jelly)
  • Rhymes: From KidSparkz, “Once I Saw an Octopus” and “The Motion of the Ocean” (a repeat from last week that the kids love)

Table Work: see first week.


  • Octopus handprint – It was simple to make, but I had to convince both my kids not to eat all the Froot Loops… (We don’t normally have ‘the colorful Cheerios’, as Damien calls them, around the house, so I guess it’s exciting despite the fact that it’s, you know, cereal.)
  • Jelly plates – Another simple but cute craft – it might be my new pick for cutest animal they’ve made.
  • Paper bag jellies – Continuing my theme of ‘crafts made from stuff you already haave in your house’… Damien got into this but Rowen didn’t want to paint the bag. Oh well!
  • Coffee filter jellies


  • Ocean slime – I actually managed to get both Damien and Rowen involved in the making of this slime, and we had a lot of fun playing with it; that said, I honestly think I had the most fun, lol!
  • Ocean ice melt – I used various small containers in our kitchen and filled them with shells, glass marbles, plastic sea creatures, and food coloring (blue, green, and combos of the two) and froze them. Then the next day the boys poured warm water over the ice in their water table. They played with the ice (and discovered toys) for a really long time, but next time I wouldn’t use as much food coloring, because it was kind of messy on our back porch.


  • Will it sink or float? – We did this while Rowen was napping. Damien picked ten random household objects (mostly toys) and we made a chart, then we experimented to see if the item sunk or floated in a bowl of water. Damien enjoyed it but mostly enjoyed playing with all the items in the water afterward!
  • Electric eels – I had Damien and my dad do this activity together while Dan and I were packing (since we were moving that week.) They cut up gummy worms (aka eels) into skinny pieces, soaked them in baking soda water, then put the soaked ‘eels’ in vinegar and they danced around! (for a few seconds.) Damien loved it and both he and my dad had to eat a few non-‘electric’ eels, haha!



  • String cheese octopus – Damien was pretty unimpressed with the mustard face I drew on (“I DON’T LIKE THIS SPICY STUFF MAMA”) but other than that, they were easy and cute.
  • Octopus cupcakes – so yummy and so cute! (and so easy, which was a bonus)
  • Octopus snacks – easy to make and I thought they were delicious, but my children utterly rejected them! Oh well, more giant Ritz Bits for me. 🙂
  • Beach-themed pudding kit – I randomly found a kit, made by Jello, which featured vanilla jello, graham cracker crumbs, and ocean creature gummies. Damien and my mom made this together, and they were really yummy! (They were sort of like this.)

Whales & Sharks:

We did a shortened mini unit this week, because we were in the process of moving – I was sad to abandon such cute craft ideas, but I had to take our library books back before we left, so I decided it would be easier to just start a new unit after we moved.

Songs & Rhymes:



  • Footprint shark – I thought this turned out pretty cute, but Dan thought they looked like ghosts lol…Oh well.


  • Feed the Shark – This was a fairly simple idea in theory, but it took Dan and me FOREVER to find something on which to attach the open shark mouth (I saw on the internet that other people used empty baby wipe containers, but baby wipes hardly come in containers anymore so we only had one that I didn’t want destroyed!) I finally sacrificed a tiny Converse shoebox I had been saving for years because it was cute (I swear I’m not really a hoarder, but I am a longtime Converse wearer…) Both kids really liked playing with it, so I guess it was a worthy sacrifice! (And it was another thing I didn’t have to move, since they played with it to the point of destruction…lol)



  • Shark and whale size comparison – originally I wanted to outline the size of sharks either on the carpet with painter’s tape or on the sidewalk with chalk, but since we were moving that just didn’t work out (we didn’t have enough clear carpet/sidewalk…) So instead I printed out charts of shark size/whale sizes from the BBC website (shark link, whales link), cut them out, and had Damien arrange them by size (he glued one set on by himself and made me glue the other half after he sorted them, haha.) We did it during Rowen’s nap and I was surprised at how much Damien got into it.
  • Whale blubber experiment – This was so fun!! If you have a kid interested in ocean animals at all, between the ages of four and like fourteen, you should totally do this experiment (and maybe even older than fourteen, because I found it fascinating!) We did a simplified version of the experiment – we didn’t take the temperature of the water or anything like that; we were simply trying to answer the question “how do whales (and other se animals) keep themselves warm in really cold water?” and Damien came out of it with a clear understanding. So fun!


  • Shark fin Jello cups – we actually did pudding instead of Jello (apparently my kids are the only kids ever who aren’t Jello fans?) and I have to say, you’d either need really tall cups or really short spoons, because I always had a bit of spoon peeking out the top between the whipped cream and fin – and I have kiddie silverware!
  • Shark teeth cheese – from this pin, and I also included various fishy snacks (Finding Dory graham crackers and multicolored goldfish.)
  • Banana shark – this was soooo frustrating to construct; I am not a banana sculptor! I had to cut the banana extra short because of brown spots, and so it turned out to look more like a dolphin than a shark – which is why I had to make it viciously eat that unsuspecting goldfish cracker. 🙂